Payment Types
1. Manual
2. Quick
3. Refund
Manual Payment Overview
you create a payment outside of Payables, such as a typed check or wire
transfer, you can record the payment within Payables and update the invoice or
invoices that you paid.
With a Manual payment, you can override some payment
controls of Payables. You can record a single Manual payment for
multiple Pay Alone invoices. You
can record payment for invoices that are associated with any payment method
except Electronic. You can also pay an invoice for a supplier that has the Hold All Payments option
You can only predate a computer generated payment if
the Allow Pre-Date option is enabled in the Single Payment region of the
Payment tab within the
Payables Options window.
If you have selected the wrong invoice, you can
select the invoice, and then click the Reverse Payment button. This
automatically creates a reversal, which disassociates the invoice from the
Manual payment. You can now select the correct Invoice.
Overriding Payment Controls
With a Manual payment, you can override
some payment controls. You can:
record a single payment for multiple Pay Alone invoices
record payment for invoices that are associated with any Payment
Method type, except Electronic
pay an invoice for a supplier that has the Hold All
Payments option enabled
With manual type format instruction and print status is not recorded as payment is made outside oracle. If you want to print Wire transfer or checks you need to use Quick payment type
Future Dated Manual Payments
For future dated Manual payments, if the
Payables option Use Future Dated Payment Account is set to Supplier Site, then
you can select invoices for payment only if the supplier site Future Dated
Payment Account is the same as that of the supplier site in the payment header.
Withholding Taxes
If you withhold taxes at payment time, Payables does not automatically
withhold taxes if you pay with a Manual payment.
Quick payments
can create and print a computer generated payment to pay a supplier for one or
more invoices. You can also create a check, save it, then print it later.
When you create a quick payment, you can
select an invoice regardless of the payments’ terms and due date. For example,
you can create a Quick payment for an invoice that is not yet due.
Invoices must be
validated, uncanceled, and without holds.
If you are
creating an electronic payment, you must assign supplier banks to your
supplier.(However it still allows to save the payment if RTB is not provided. It displays as a mandatory field)
Quick Payment Restrictions:
NUMBER OF INVOICES: You can only pay as many invoices as you defined for the
remittance advice of the payment document.

SAME SUPPLIER SITE: You can only select invoices that have the same supplier site
as the payment supplier site you enter. You can, however, change the payment mailing
address if the Allow Address Change Payables Option page, Payment tab is enabled.
PAY ALONE INVOICES: The system adjusts the list of values to ensure that you don't
pay a "Pay Alone" invoice when you pay multiple invoices. If you have selected an
invoice for payment and then select more invoices for payment, then Payables does not
include Pay Alone invoices on this list of values. If you select a Pay Alone invoice for
payment then you cannot select more invoices.Payalone cannot be selected for CM or Debit memo.
PAYING IN A FOREIGN CURRENCY: You must pay in the same currency as the
invoice. You can enter and pay a foreign currency invoice only if your Allow Multiple
Currencies Payables option is enabled, and you have defined a multi-currency or
foreign currency denominated bank account.
Payment before it has been formatted.
Use the clearing payment method to account for intercompany expenses when you do
not actually disburse funds through banks. For example, your Facilities group pays the
telephone company for your telephone usage. You use a clearing payment to reimburse
the Facilities group for your group's telephone expense. You can process invoices with
clearing method in payment batches. Document is available in the Payment Batch list of
values. You can also confirm and autoconfirm clearing payment batches.
- Define a bank account with at least one payment document that uses a format defined with the Clearing Payment Method
- Enter an invoice for the transaction, and enter Clearing as the payment method.
How can Manual Payment type be removed from LOV. Can you provide the personalization for that.
Faran Khan
This blog has a lot of useful information about different types of payments, and after reading it, I am happy to share it with others. I found it while looking for local payment methods close to where I live.